Doyenne Angelica
Here are all the details you need to contact me. Read the instructions carefully. As stated regularly, I do not reply to any initial contacts that include ten words or less and I delete messages which are rude, aggressive or have unwanted photographic content.
Over the years I have altered the way in which I conduct the initial contact process. With the birth of this new website I am going to lay down a simple set of rules which must be followed. I will not respond to initial enquiries via text or social media.
Prior to contacting me, consider that I am based in the north west of the UK, within the county of Staffordshire.
All enquiries relating to real time sessions will now be accepted via email only.
I want you to include: your name, age and a brief description of your experience to date. I would also like an explanation of why, in particular, you are contacting me. If I like what I read on your email, you will get a reply within 24 hours (unless I am on holiday). You will then be instructed to call me.
Following the telephone conversation, where I will gather all the information I need and you will be able to ask any questions you have, I will make a decision as to whether I want to invite you to my studio and to my feet.
Do NOT call if you are driving or undertaking some other task, as I will want your full attention. Do NOT expect 'on the day' appointments, it is very rare that I have any availability on the day and I have no interest in bringing people to my feet who expect my diary to work around their urges. I accept calls from 08:30 until 17:00, if you do not get an answer you will know I am busy and you will call back at a later time.
Finally, do NOT leave a voicemail, (unless I have specifically instructed you to do so), I never call out. ​​
Email: mistressangelica1uk@gmail.com
Tel: 07591693959
Skype/FaceTime: Email me for more information
This change in the way I am accepting initial contacts has come about because I realised that a well constructed, honest and respectful written contact was my preferred way of beginning to get to know people. As explained on my home page, I am selective about who I invite into my studio. So I figured, if a person cannot spare a few minutes to write an informative email, then they are not the sort of person I want around me and/or serving me. I need to make clear, I am not expecting essays, simply a helpful base to start my learning.

©Mistress Angelica 2021 All rights reserved